Above ground pool

Manufactured in the UK, and made from 44mm pressure treated redwood timber, Plastica’s above-ground pools are flexible, strong, and an overall sturdy structure. They come available in unlimited lengths and widths and with three height options – there is an option to suit all.We construct Bespoke liner pools, using concrete H blocks, with reinforced rebars fixed vertically and horizontally, the way that they are bonded, forming a solid concrete wall of great stability and durability.It is advised that they are situated on firm level ground when possible. Many of our above ground pools are also suitable for sinking or semi-sinking ground.

After an initial site inspection, we will discuss what your requirements are and how best we can make you swimming pool dreams come true. We draw up plans, in line with all current planning & buildings regulations and furthermore, assist you with your application, if necessary.We advise that they should be placed on firm level ground, ground pools are also suitable for sinking or semi-sinking in the ground.Our Exercise Above ground swimming pools are the simplest to install and require the least preparation.

It is extremely important for any pool owner to keep their pool in tip top condition, otherwise they will begin to see damage to the pool equipment and surfaces, potentially resulting in costly repairs.our team of engineers will inspect and check for faults and leaks for a complete service. When it comes to choosing a liner, at Hilden Pools, we quote and install pool liners for any size or shape including bespoke patterns, styles and tile brands.

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