Pool Cleaning Blog

Swimming pools and hot tubs are a welcome luxury on many residential properties. They provide a place to relax and cool off, but they also serve as breeding grounds for bacteria and contaminants. Fortunately, the right maintenance routine can prevent the pool or spa from becoming an eyesore and a health risk.Once the stains are loose, they can be scrubbed away with a hard scrubbing brush or even an old toothbrush, and once the area is clean you should lower the water level and test your pool chemicals again to ensure everything is in balance.

Finally, drain and replace the water in your pool or hot tub on a quarterly or bi-monthly basis. This is a great time to test the water, find any leaks and re-balance the chemistry.For more serious stains, you may need to use a pressure washer. This method can be quite effective and is usually the easiest way to get rid of any algae growth, etching or general discolouration that has occurred over time. Again, it’s important to be careful and use the lowest setting in order not to damage your tiles or crack them.

Bromine can be more gentle than chlorine but some people have a sensitivity to it and find that it still causes dry or irritated skin. Non-chlorine or non-bromine sanitizers are odourless, gentle on the skin and do not fade swimsuits.The sanitizers that work well in pools can be used in hot tubs as well, but you may want to consider alternative options for the comfort and health of your skin.The filter is the heart of your pool and spa. It’s what keeps the water circulating and picking up dirt, debris and leaves. It’s also what makes the water clear and clean. But when it’s not working right, you can have a lot of problems.

These are the most common filters found in pools and spas today. They work well in all temperature ranges and can last up to three times longer than silica based filters.The best way to do this is by backwashing them. Backwashing is a process of reversing the flow of the water through the filter and flushing out all the debris and dirty water in the filter tank.You can also find these filters in a variety of sizes to fit any size pool or spa. The size of the cartridge is important as is its surface area. The more surface area a cartridge has, the more pollutants it can capture.

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